Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pimple Beside Navel Piercing

Todor Alexandrov


for Louis Leger Macedonia

The duty of scholars is primarily to seek and proclaim the truth ... [read the full story ]

The Congress of Berlin

LAVIS, ERNEST (1842-1922) and Rambaud, ALFRED (1842 - 1905). [read the full story ]

Gustav Schlumberger Tsar Samuil

The death of the great Tsar Samuel really marked the end of Bulgarian independence [read the full story ]
so admirably personified in him ...

Cyril and Methodius

Under the protection of the Bulgarian king Boris I they (the disciples) founded two literary schools
- one in Preslav, the capital, and one in Ohrid. The first cultural center was organized by
Naoum, the second - by Kliment ...

In Bulgaria, Kliment created the second Slavic alphabet - the Cyrillic alphabet, which he named in honor of his
master ...
[read the full story ]

The Crisis in Macedonia

A FIFTH BALKAN WAR? [read the full story ]

Bulgarians before Bulgaria

Kouba moved with his people in Macedonia today at around Bitola ... [read the full story ]

Macedonia - short presentation

Location, Data demolinguistic, Economy [read the full story ]

Brief History of Macedonia

A small test shows non-compliance of the historical truth ... [read the full story ]

borders of Macedonia

"Where does Macedonia," he wrote, "where does it end? Question that was intentionally blurred
, dividing Macedonia from the most arbitrary. We back, we
restricted borders, according to the interests we defend ... "
[read the full story ]

Macedonia Bulgarian

The episode son of Tsar Peter (Petar), King Boris II and Roman captive, escaped from Constantinople
shows us what they fed her feelings at the court of King Samuel with regard to Eastern Bulgaria ...
[read the full story ]

The Macedonian Question

Analysis of historical fact proves that Macedonia has never been a country and that ethnic never had a Macedonian nationality ... [read the full story ]

few words of reply the slanderers of the Macedonians

The Tribune de Lausanne, 20 November 1918 published an excerpt from a call that the Yugoslav youth of Lausanne and the Greek company "Korai" sent to faculty, students and high Swiss authorities consulates as well as allies ... [read the full story ]

The spiritual qualities of the Bulgarians of Macedonia

SOFIA, 1930 [ consult the full story ]


AKAD. Buchhandlung VORM.
1918 BERNE [ view the entire article ]

Bulgarian communities in Macedonia

The Macedonian population rejected all draft compromise Bulgarian-Greek, because it believed that no solution can be found outside the unity of all peuple bulgare. [ consulter l'article entier ]
