Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Highest Score On Thenln

Truth about the truth

Truth about truth

The truth is crap.
This is not generous, the truth.
is pretentious, self-centered is the truth.
Mostly, it's nasty.
Ca fuck everyone, it hurts.
people around us,
they want gives them something;
and probably they do not want lies,
but they never said they wanted no more truth

François Taillandier. Option Paradis

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pressure Points Helped Me Start My Period



is the first time that seems to be proud not to be historical, even the punks who advocated no future, and who claimed , still had the strength to react to something, even at their indifference. You do not even nihilistic, what a tragedy! We have to talk to you like children virgins, the handicapped, amnesic ignorant, unable to concentrate. I see, when I am referring to a force of the past, it raises a blatant in-interest.

Marc Edouard Nabe. The man who stopped writing.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Myopia Vs. Presbyopia

Tamagotchi Versailles

Tamagotchi Versailles

The quality of such beauty is to be noticed:
Instead of melting into the beauty of the place, it shows she
incapable and merely
to prove that it has nothing to do here.

Duteurtre Benoit. Paths Iron

Monday, September 13, 2010

Iphone Covers With Fox



When undertaking to auscultate the world when trying to understand it, happens to the temptation of all, the structure of omniscience ... The libido sciendi desire becomes total. Picking up a marker, fill out a whiteboard, including drawing a diagram of the kind of world for Dummies . That's when we realize the impossibility of the task and we rely on a transcendental, always. We must have the humility of not being able to explain everything.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ap Cellular Respiration


I do not understand what good slander;
if one wants to harm someone,
suffice it to say something about him truth.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe 4 Sale

pub Culture: The Sounds of yogurt.

pub culture: The Sounds of yogurt.

Whenever I hear Prokofiev, Mozart and other phrases of Shakespeare sweetly pronounced in advertisements, comes in the second a feeling of disgust quickly followed by a sterile internal revolt. This grater masterpieces is ultimately a confession of absolute mediocrity. The confession of the authors of this recycling moldy who have talent than that of theft. Motherfuckers enclose geniuses in boxes of ravioli, and offer Picasso for the purchase of a gasket, run Van Gogh sliced ham. They are thieves, sunbathers first class. With impunity, they crush and mix the material with their noble crap plastic shits their industry. They dare amalgam to create the desire, the impulse purchase. And it all works. They are not afraid of ridicule for their ridiculous way guarantees the end: This barge cunt will pay. And after all, so much the worse for his mouth ... It became swollen, he bought a false, fake, yogurt His allegations do not play the violin.