Friday, August 20, 2010

Professor Rejection Reconsideration Letter

The awards, article in the Dauphine Libere August 20, 2010

(click on article to read)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Average Salary After The Ccie

Mountain Feathers and Prices of New Awards 7th

(click on photos or articles to enlarge)

moments of emotion at the awards ceremony.
Photos YM

winners with Anne-Marie and John Zerr Jannet
Photos YM

The sun was in every heart.
Photos YM

People That Masterbates Everyday

Price New

7 th Price New Corrençon

Edition 2010: "Tree Song"

Our poster was produced by Ben BERT, the lucky winner of our poster contest.


(You must click on the name of news for download)

Category adults (102 participants) :

Price New:

Winner: "Cyprian " Christine Genevois

Rewarded (alphabetically): Regine Bernot, Gilles Bertin, Gilles Bucaille, Fabien Pesty, Jackie Plaetevoet, Sylviane Marie Prunier, Mathilde Thomas, Jean-Paul Vialard.

caves Choranche Price:

Winner: Silence shattered " MarnOazz

Price Museum of Water:

Winner: " And in his veins flowed the sap" Emmanuelle Cart-Tanner

Prices NFB

Winner: " Behind the roots" Anne Lechevallier

French Alliance Price:

Winner: " Violin King " Lucia Galasso ( Italian) .

Rewarded (alphabetically): analice De Lorenzi, Fujimi Saukaue, Zarhi Wedjani.

Junior High School Category:

Winner: " Send Tree" Nathalie Christmas

Rewarded (in alphabetical order): Daphne M Bosch, Melody Frayssons.

Junior College Category:

Winner: "The old oak and loggers " Élodie Bessalam

Rewarded (alphabetically): Residence Marion, William Khreiche, Matilda Milon, Marie Sigel.

Category Children:

Winner: " Our Secret Marine Gaillard

Rewarded ( alphabetical order): Jules Cayot, School of Montagny (Oise), Leonie Gauthier.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Truck Bed Slides Plans

Thursday, August 12, 2010: Coffee with Reading Patrick Ollivier Elliott

to 17 hours at the Inn of the 2 Flycatchers "in Corrençon .