Monday, August 16, 2010

People That Masterbates Everyday

Price New

7 th Price New Corrençon

Edition 2010: "Tree Song"

Our poster was produced by Ben BERT, the lucky winner of our poster contest.


(You must click on the name of news for download)

Category adults (102 participants) :

Price New:

Winner: "Cyprian " Christine Genevois

Rewarded (alphabetically): Regine Bernot, Gilles Bertin, Gilles Bucaille, Fabien Pesty, Jackie Plaetevoet, Sylviane Marie Prunier, Mathilde Thomas, Jean-Paul Vialard.

caves Choranche Price:

Winner: Silence shattered " MarnOazz

Price Museum of Water:

Winner: " And in his veins flowed the sap" Emmanuelle Cart-Tanner

Prices NFB

Winner: " Behind the roots" Anne Lechevallier

French Alliance Price:

Winner: " Violin King " Lucia Galasso ( Italian) .

Rewarded (alphabetically): analice De Lorenzi, Fujimi Saukaue, Zarhi Wedjani.

Junior High School Category:

Winner: " Send Tree" Nathalie Christmas

Rewarded (in alphabetical order): Daphne M Bosch, Melody Frayssons.

Junior College Category:

Winner: "The old oak and loggers " Élodie Bessalam

Rewarded (alphabetically): Residence Marion, William Khreiche, Matilda Milon, Marie Sigel.

Category Children:

Winner: " Our Secret Marine Gaillard

Rewarded ( alphabetical order): Jules Cayot, School of Montagny (Oise), Leonie Gauthier.


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