Saturday, February 10, 2007

Pasta Express Pasta Machine

Gotse Delchev Ivan Mihaylov


Letter enabled Gotse Delchev to Nikola Maleshevsky: "Otts ѣ capture or razts ѣ nikaka not capture our plashata. Indeed unfortunate, but just to mozhema pravima when you are Bulgarians and all thy suffering a single ball ѣ sty! If this ball ѣ sty not exist unto our ѣ Prada ѣ di, from the heritage which is unto us, Mr. ѣ Mache to popadnata Y ^ ugly skiptara of turskit ѣ sultans ... "

  • Lettre de Gotse Delchev, adressée à Nikola Malashevski: «Nous ne devons pas craindre dissidence and separations. Indeed it is a pity, but what can we do when we are Bulgarians and all-we-all suffer from a common disease! If the disease did not exist in our ancestors, whose legacy has remained with us as they would not have fallen under the rule of the Turkish sultans ugly ... "



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