Saturday, February 3, 2007

Why Is My Lcd Tv Fuzzy


"Let tomorrow's generations know, because time passes and our transience is there that we made the Internal Macedonian revolutionary organization to do two of Bulgaria, but because we have an all in one! Macedonia without Bulgarians fire it burns! "(Macedonia hath Bulgarians ogina да я изгори)

Иванъ Михайловъ

  • "Let future generations know this, because as time passes and our transience is obvious: we did the Revolutionary Organization internal Macedonia not to do two Bulgarians, but because we do not have a single-integrated! Macedonia without the Bulgarians - the fire burns it! "

Ivan Mihaylov


"We sme Bulgarians and vsekoga rabotima rabotima and the reunification of the Bulgarian nation. Mislihme to sazdadema organization model the revolutionary organization unto Bulgaria before liberation, to act along the lines of Boteva, Levski Benkovksi and others. "

Damyana Grueva, 1905.

  • "We are Bulgarians and we always work for the unification of the Bulgarian people. We wanted to create an organization modeled on the revolutionary organization in Bulgaria before liberation, the act of such Botev, Levski, Benkovski and others. "

Damian Gruev, the 1905.

"Азъ съмъ оръдие само на идеята for the liberation of Macedonia and the unification of the Bulgarian nation. This am it dokazala co whole zhivota as pozhertvala am all for this idea besides my life, which is slachayno otselyala. "

Todora Aleksandrova, 3 aprila 1917.

  • " Je ne suis qu 'instrument à l' idée de la libération de la Macédoine et l'unification du peuple bulgare. Cela je l 'ai prouvé par toute ma vie, en sacrifiant à cette idée tout sauf ma vie, qui est sortie indemne par hasard. "

Todor Alexandrov, le 3 Avril 1917.


Pismo from Gotse Delchev to Nikola Maleshevski: "OTC ѣ pleniyata and sample ѣ nikaka not capture our plashata. Indeed unfortunate, but just to mozhema pravima when you are Bulgarians and all suffer thy a single ball ѣ sty! If this ball ѣ sty not exist unto our ѣ Prada ѣ di, from the heritage which is unto us, Mr. ѣ Mache to popadnata Y ^ ugly skiptara of turskit ѣ султани ... "

  • Letter from Gotse Delchev, Nikola Malashevski addressed to: "We should not fear dissent and separations. Indeed it is a pity, but what can we do when we are Bulgarians and all-we-all suffer from a common disease! If the disease did not exist in our ancestors, it remained with us as an inheritance, they would not fall under the rule of the Turkish sultans ugly ... "



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