Monday, February 16, 2009

99 Dollare Wedding Dress Sale At Davids

Kadir explained to the Hebrews (2 / 2)

Kadir explained to the Hebrews (2 / 2)

He landed in the meeting room attired in a tracksuit green flocked Algeria . We were gone for an hour: The Hebrew. We walked as if we were talking, I asked him questions and he responded by noting the important words.
- Good Kadir. So tell me about the beginnings of the Jewish people.
- Uh ... I dunno.

He had gone to any effort, the little jerk. For half an hour I explained to her re ... Abraham, Canaan, Moses on Mount Sinai, the creation of the Kingdom of Israel. Then I test it a bit to see if the proper name reminded him of something.
- Today is a war zone, you've heard what happens there?
I wanted to explain my point of view, but it was neither appropriate nor desirable. And after all, a little French, he was no more relevant than another ...
- no. I dunno. He was a virgin
a priori. Good. I doubt heard echoes of Dad. But seeing her son once a month, it was probably something else to say to him rehash any more speeches or sermons stinky. He began to successfully integrate what I told him.
- While the Ten Commandments. Do you know them? Cites me at least some of them ...
- You steal it, you kill it, you will choose no other God than me, you not poke the girl of your neighbor ...

- okay. Well it's not really how he said, but the idea is there. He said you do not covet the wife ...
- Next the first kings of the kingdom you know them?
- Jesus.
I said. I quickly resumed the genesis of great religions in feeling obliged to insist on Islam. I knew it was not very educational as Republican, but I could not help myself.
I told him then the battle of David
- Kadir Against whom?
- Gozzilhat.
I said. In
me funny, I explained that today, David against Goliath became an expression. Again, not very proud of me, I promptly left the metaphor with an example on football, as if the only two things he is able to understand and were Baball "islarabité" . Shame on me.
- It's like playing against Manchester Grenoble. I told him. Grenoble would ...
David David, he did not care, I cut and replied.
- Yes, but good his team would put Manchester B.
- Yes, certainly. But is did you understand the term?

- Yes.

It was time to look at the Jewish rites. Like him, the Jews do not eat pork. He was surprised by the news and noted the information on his book draft. It remained to explain circumcision.
- You know what that means Kadir?
- Yes, they cut the dick. Tells me he whispered, smiling slightly ashamed.
- Not exactly . I explained to him very briefly. He knew very well.
We finished the explanation and the description of Solomon's temple. With what was left: the Wailing Wall. I would comment a photo of his book.
- Today the Jews there are papers to thank God and pray. Prayers.
- As some of the vows?

- Yes almost.

- Well I want to go there, I put a paper to say I want to be a footballer.

The idea here is the great genius for reconciliation! Kadir had to evoke: Organize a school trip to Jerusalem so that everyone slips her little hope in the gaps of the wall. It should, however, first obtain a few permits and pray that neither the tourist office in the holy city, nor the father and uncles of the little dribbler Facias see no objection to the initiative ... The bell rang and
Kadir went nimbly cum bazaar in the corridors, one of his specialties.

... As for my wish he had not realized. 6 / 20. The Hebrews were not inspired Kadir ... Not more than anything else.


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