Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do You Wax Before Or After Showering?

the Indian fort

Fortin India.

When purchasing power becomes an end in itself, when the claim appears to reach the rank of prayer by purchasers convulsive, when the ultimate desire amounts to cover shit shit and supports, when the absolute dream is to join the class and its hyper-growth frenzy; When a company reaches this stage of blindness and this level of spiritual quest, when she wants smooth, programming, sanitize , soothe, brutalize ... So, its great vigilante, its gurus, its intermediaries and its followers are surprised by the heightened sensitivity of the deep humanity of hirsute Ariège, the ascetic with a big heart, the brave Xavier Fortin . They lock up immediately question the abnormality and rush him to undergo the examination of modern humans out of range: The psychiatric examination! The incomparable, the unofficial is madness. It can not be otherwise! The kings of diversity are scratched from his "imbalance", who follow the high-wire, harnesses tight blinders Print ...

Thus, they flatten their analysis on the appalling doxa our heyday!

How? we learn: he never abused his children? Since they pausent the question is he had the profile, the bugger. The two little captives would even attached to their father's executioner, Stockholm syndrome in crude innuendo. Fortin abducted her children! They repeat. But how can we remove our own children? Love above their passes, they would have liked a crime, torture, incest, the freezer ... morbid. But no. Nothing like that. Their father has even replaced the beautiful school of the republic - which manufactures shovels illiterate, petty leaders and consumer items - to teach them to read, count, and even to become critical and intelligent evidenced by the first of their distant neighbors. A sect no doubt! And now the mass media show us his cabin, plantations and his flock, they show us their misery with pitying gaze too characteristic. Misery? Yes, yes. No trace of the standard furnishings, no decor, no flat screen or even shutters. And the herd and the garden! Scandal, no European standards is met, the milk of goats for cheese not even sterilized! Poor children in this barrack Sure, he had to do without things disgusting ... These implied, of these charges, he will have to justify, defend. It should probably explain what he Freedom means ...

So of course this is a family drama, a mother was broken and it is very sad for her. But, do not even understand it, not even grasp a fragment of why this painful choices and courageous, his full humanity Fortin return this to the crime and bury him and his madness so choosing escape, without deigning to sign the Convention of ugly ... All this - this distorting lens and the lighting - speaks volumes about the time and suggests strongly that the bars of the modern ideology and crass be very complicated to file.

That live
Fortin ...


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