Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jamie's American Road Trip Episode 2

the bottom of the air ...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Prices, Jc Penney Salon

the bottom of the air ...

The bottom of the air ...

Somewhere in the province. Thursday.

I made a small turn. As each quarter of the people had been left go to the streets to protest ammunition, balloons, placards, flags and confetti. Everyone seemed rather happy to participate in the winter carnival. Dogs, children were out, even the grandmother and cousin disabled. It took the air, it was fine . The marginal felt less alone, we saw a few standing around here and there, village full neck, glad to see the world and become part of the house. People entertained themselves in deciphering the most successful slogans. Many were shabby, but obviously some kind of provocation took the time to make each a nice symbolic middle finger. Clamor in the crowd, the convoy finally could start. At every chapel, large banner and his delegation, the forces of progress were all met, unions and parties were proudly fly their colors in the sky perfectly blue. High grievances: relocation, public service, purchasing power ... the eternal complaint. But sad tune. The time sped bad, very bad. Everyone seemed to agree on the diagnosis - how not to be - but it blowing like a wind of helplessness, like a cyclone
inevitable ...
essentials as songs and music from the sizzling sound systems: the ears we kept coming back to the eternal Three steps forward, three steps back ... amid motivated and Manu Chao include traditional melodies. The voice a little more blunted the parade progressed. They fell in with acquaintances, friends who speculated on the number of demonstrators were seen in the world, we smiled, we started to seriously consider an aperitif. In short, to be honest, you smelled the perfume coarsely déjà vu: joviality and claims tinged with a pessimism evident ... A nth movement probably unnecessary, but will certainly have the merit to do some shit, to counteract the apologists of productivity, critics of the hostage , haters of all kinds of little people worried, if he did not laugh ...

But it was not all. The kings of the procession, Doucette, changed cap ... but inevitable disastrous landslide.

Although still many and ever cheerful, old workers, employees, gules marked with the seal of the vile industry, all these people there, basically, no longer seemed to believe it too. They had come to meet, not to feel too lonely. They came to do as usual. Weigh what , influencing whom? The routine was taking air combat lost to former trade union for workers in struggle lucid. Ten, twenty, thirty years some shouting their concerns, their anger, raised the sign to indicate their presence. And nothing but dirt, figures and abstract still rising overall and everywhere. Person so do not be surprised Despite the exponential. Most understood that no member of Guignol's Band they had elected, could not affect anything, nor newspapers nor decency. Representatives trade, "that they were, these animals powers. It felt their old songs, red roses and had but a few, workers, employees, young and old, men and women were struck by the hot iron for the reduction syndrome of the new century, but so terrible human.

Thus, little able to shake the company of a boundless optimism, loud mouthed and rebellious French people, struggling people of the day, had bequeathed aggressiveness, vigor, and microphones and uneducated youth brawlers ... They did not understand it but wished, fervently, Recapture the torch, especially for form for the aesthetics of revolt, so highly rated by the panels of self-righteousness. And each agency had recruited his youth, is to ignite , haranguing crowds, releasing balloons. The bottom of the air is red ladies and gentlemen! as red nose these new clowns: the young rebels who sing off the speakers, false and wrong in their brains in their hearts. Schoolchildren, students, wealth, too pleased with their recent circus, were invited to the party, talking about revolution, Che Guevara ... and especially in purchasing power. Of course, they too had the right to be worried, but felt their concerns over the teuf , illiteracy and transcendence in the portfolio they seem honest and fair. It will be the majestic big night with such people! Depressing to see them flapping these new control experts plastic, really.

Maybe I'm a bit stiff and part? may finally be once I looked like them? Perhaps also reinvent it? Maybe they learn to look around, watching something other than the navel of a single youth. I do not know. The clairvoyant would say no, too intoxicated these buggers. The optimist would say that it is an adjustment phase, they would read later. The revolutionary guillotine them all, one after the other. But enough of comments, the fact is that yesterday, then those then gently inflated sacrament me desperate.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mercedes 617 Propane Injection

gross invasion (4 / 5)

Brute Incursion (4/5)

hurts my kidneys, I rest the headphones. People speak loudly, light attack me. Damn, I have a headache . I try to find the exit but follow the direction set becomes difficult. I sneak looks pretty buttocks of a woman I decided to follow, as a marker. Not too long.

attack left images around the world. Dozens of flat screens, LCD, plasma, etc. Dolby . I do not understand the terms. The same program is broadcast on every TV. A blonde walks on a synthesis of all-white decor, plastic. Video gag. I pause before the larger one samsung . The image is sharp, color is obvious. A child throws a bone in his father's head, we laughed. I look at the price. Ah yes still . Then I'm going.

It better off, the air fresher, more breathable. Still young, molding with their phone and coca. In the corner there is a bum. He sleeps, he has nothing in his cap. I cross the square, I avoid kids, a young wonder a cigarette. I gave him my package is full. Manufactured shit. He told me lip:

- Respect ... typing his fist on his chest.

I queue. There are too many people, I've had enough. I meet an acquaintance who does not see me. Good . One handed me a paper, I take. An offer, Nokia I throw away. Go even a last bookstore. I think a shop across the road. A large sign indicates that Noah likes to wear Sloggi briefs. cons fancy a showcase of young screaming and rolling up their socks. Their transistor saturates. I also go a step further.

A large sign indicates low prices on nespresso. hurts my legs. Needed a break, five minutes. I light a cigarette and I watch people go by. A large eat a sandwich, it transpires at the same time, mayo flows. Couples spend. Many Polo under the striped coats. A guy has put together on the poster behind. Promo from Celio . They all carry bags, small, big. As gaudy. Zara, Sephora, Virgin among others. Women have often pointed shoes, converse for or ballerinas. Many boots too, some more than others slam. I do not unpleasant. A group of youths went around. Even loud music. I look elsewhere. Incidentally, the smallest wonder a fag. I call on him. He puts behind his ear and then goes away. Some eat chouros . Hometowns stinks of piss. Butting Mon clopen. Your file.

I hear a melody. She comes from the place behind. The library must be thereby . I turn. Before a grand mall of Peruvians are of pipo. The children are happy. A firecracker noise surprises me. The little boy behind me starts to whine. His ball flunchy just exploded. I still behind the tourist office. I am looking for.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can I Use Olive Oil For Hair Clippers

dialogues connes

Dialogue connes ...

Topo. We were three in the office. I had nothing to do but read a little. Bardamu rotting in a remote village in Africa. Dring. I put my book to answer the phone; Another idiot mother of student who does not understand why his son had so many hours of glue. Diplomat, I explained to him briefly. Upon re-engage the reading, while one of my colleagues did not care to peel around the fruit, the other began the conversation:
- Well ... I did a thesis on Céline.
- Oh! What exactly?
- was the relationship he had with the Jews ...
- Ah! Like that ... what to say to thee!

I felt it would piss me off.
- Yes, that's for sure ... I looked for traces of anti-Semitism in the Voyage
... I felt good.
- Uh, in his pamphlets I will, but frankly in the travel, if you focus the above is unfortunate.
- Anyway, I do not like his writing ...
Doucette, I had the urge to slap her. I restrained myself. She continued:
- Too ground, without binder, too ... And then it felt hatred oozes from every page.
- On the contrary, it is this strength which makes it a great writer, an artist ...

While we talked, the third member, the student of psychology, to get by as best she could with her fruit. She heard what was told in bits and decided to intervene.
- You mean what?
- In literature, Celine.
- Oh, I know. She wrote what?

The other explained. Me, I wanted to laugh. And crying too, I do not know. I especially want to smoke a cigarette.
- I leave you ...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bridal Shower Gift Card Wording

gross invasion (3 / 5)

Brute raid (3 / 5)

Here I am. The super center. It stirs. Couples and groups are active everywhere. It looks like a huge parade. Part of the crowd stagnates, especially in front Fnac . The appointment there seem to be given. Jactent girls, they cry hard, they eat ice cream and pizza cheap. They drink Coca with straws, milk shakes too. Guys joke, they laugh to insult, is recoiffent, compare their T-shirt. On the phone, they are seeking. Incidentally, I hear: Where are you? They often say. They turn around, they seem to like it. Then they will join other , always in a pack.

I doubt they have . I try anyway. Fnac . I up by the escalator and then I sneak. My shoulders affect others, I'm in a hurry. On pads, children and adults read comics. I can not find the right radius. I get angry just before going to see the seller, sitting behind his desk. Whore. tail! I wait quietly but on the left is trying to overtake me. I advance. The employee asks:

- is who?

The old woman said:

- I think it's mine.

I let him go. Slut . I wait another five minutes until my turn comes, then I set my query. The seller does not know and makes me repeat:

- Who?

Again, I spell. The uncultivated . No trace of the author.

- Oh well ... thank you, goodbye .

was predictable.

I am, I have a little . I'm going down to dvd. There are promos, great discounts. Boxes and lots of two of the Warner Bros , especially American movies . I watch the news but not much interests me. I want to go. It should be a place to elbow. I speak:

- Sorry ... sorry !

We do not answer. The arm of a plump girl, the guy in jersey of the OM feel perspiration. They do not move. I force the passage and then I pass the series. Cops, doctors, lawyers, thugs, even American. I fly, I am not a follower. Behind the radius, there are fewer people. I scratch in the documentary. It tells the history, drama and epics. The dead and old characters are on the boxes. I want to buy one. I reasoned. It's hot, I have a headache and I breath.

In the crowd, even more, moves to the bins discs. On a display, the latest disc Cali, EMI France sells for 14 euros. Gros con . Groups of teens gather around. Further, young people in suits to dig radius rap and hip-hop. They speak strong. The vigil was prostrate in a corner and watched. I saw two pretty girls. A little space there The people are older. I stop in front of the terminal that offers free. A compilation of classical music. I put the helmet, I die, I listen.

Découvrez Cristian Mandeal !

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dragon Ball Z Bulma Shower

prophecy ...

fundamental thinking of a civilization of merchants


Now we see form, from different sides, the civilization of a company whose business is the soul as well as personal emulation was the soul of civilization in ancient Greek warfare, victory and he right in Roman Whoever engages in any commercial means without producing evaluate, assess d after the consumer need and not according to his need staff with him the question question is to know "what people and how people consume it? He therefore uses therefore instinctively and ever, this type of assessment at all, so as to productions of the arts and sciences, thinkers, scientists, artists, and statesmen, peoples, parties and even entire epochs : he inquires about everything that is created, supply and demand in order to determine for itself the value of a thing. This, as a principle of an entire civilization, studied since the unlimited to the most subtle and imposed any kind of desire and knowledge, will be proud of you, men of the next century [...]

Friedrich Nietzsche . Aurora, thoughts on moral prejudices No. 175.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Play Prison Tycoon Free

gross invasion (2 / 5) in the wind

Brute Incursion (2 / 5)

I see instead of the Post . to the trees, parents monitor their children who are agitated and turned around on an old carousel. The horses are worn. I smile a mother, she ignores me. I continue.

I need cigarettes. Shit, I have not quite . There no distributors here. Later I saw a Caisse d'Epargne. I withdrew. It does not work. I start again. It's long. A robot must check if I have enough . It's good, I hurry to arrange my ticket, you never know. I resume the march, still faster.

In Pmu , it also sells cigarettes. There are many people in this place. Young, old, men only. They each have a paper in hand and excited before the race. I do not understand everything, there speak several languages. I buy a pack of Marlboro . I'm off.

Here's one. Fifty meter there is a first bookstore. I pass a bus stop. A large sign indicates that the Ricoré friend is our best friend in the morning . I continue. I think I'm . The street is crowded. Sometimes becomes difficult to cross. Shit! Not him? If ... I met this look familiar. Too late. He said:

- So?

So I told him the lives of others. For ten minutes he asks me. Then he goes in the opposite direction, bags Lafayette and Go Sport in hand. it is painful.

I go get my book, I go upstairs. It's very hot up there. I inquire. The girl cheat on her computer, she is pretty but does not smile. She said:

- No, I do not .

I clamp my lips and my answer

- Oh well ... thank you, goodbye.

I return among the people.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Vba Cheats Golden Sun

In the wind

It blows dry in south West. The trees break the mouth, the sea rages, the boats overturned, trains remain at the dock, the electricity flickers and roofs fly. Clearly the storm begets panic. Worse than the panic, officials said, four people died - note the elegance of expression in heart recovery from all channels of information - on the road of the Landes and Gironde. Poor adventurers who braved the wind have been punished by some releases pine basely fell from the sky. A heart attack also. Obviously, the media, we leave the big armada. Cameras in all hamlets, ten reporters by steeples; We want the witness of truth, of crude. The old man's mouth, the distraught housewife, the expert said vaguely. Josie and tells how tile landed in his neighbor's garden . The mayor of a small village tells us that memory mayor of a small village, it has never seen it. As for Mr. Lajoie, he waits prostrate in his chair as the light returns. The poor, he will not even get to see on TV. Hope that by leading professionals, journalists Bfm will send him a tape. Then explain a little firefighters their jobs and what they have to do must remove trees from roads, it bothers the middle . Finally, a "specialist" on the weather reassures everyone by explaining the formation of the phenomenon ... So actually it cyclogenesis which creates a significant gradient of atmospheric pressure ... In general, the good always ends with a little verse on global warming, who feels a little more the viewer confused. Properly seated in their chairs, presenters of papers we are sick their dogs' heads to start topics, talk about records and rare phenomena and, more perky, ending on a note of optimism:

Tomorrow, Sunday , fortunately for the poor unfortunate President Nicolas Sarkozy will be in Gironde, accompanied by Ministers Michele Alliot-Marie (Interior) and Michel Barnier (Agriculture) and State Secretaries Bussereau (Transport) and Chantal Jouanno (Ecology).
That changes everything! The dream team is going to come see, parade, take your serious, dignified, speaking on behalf of France, will take to De Gaulle, discuss human rights, the storming of the Bastille, Jean Moulin can be. Whatever the topic, it takes bombastic. Is that this great team of clowns, led by an agitated under amphetamine, has an unusual ability to deal with vigor and determination all the problems of pooches that bite, baby, frozen bacteria in the holy Marcellin ... of very heavy. While the vagaries of weather, what a bargain! Are confident that tomorrow will hand tight, funds will be released, even laws are promised. Above all, there will be videos, pictures to transcribe everything. And compassion. Le petit Nicolas will be indignant and speak, tic convulsive clenched fist ...

Storm, what storm, well I'll tell you what is the storm . The storm is because of the special railway ... But not only. The storm is also because falling trees. A tree that falls, it outrageous a falling tree is not normal. Trees - do - not - to - fall. Then for every tree that falls on him who planted the seed will be severely punished ... I recommend cutting down all the trees that have more trees falling. And the wind, talking in the wind. The wind - did - not - to - blow. I will take personally, starting tomorrow, to put up a great plan anti-wind. We will radars each turbine. What
personable, which build, what brave man. And TV channels are sure we communicate in the event loop. I love you my Nicolas. I can not wait for tomorrow!

Keep Water Out Of Ears When Swimming

Gross incursion (fifth)

Brute incursion (1 / 5)

The key is hard to turn. Now I must find a book, a good, a rare - no time to order. Sure the time did not teach me patience, and I want everything right away, so I'm going. fucking lock, I force again and finally turned the key. One day, she will remain in the fingers . There will be worldwide, not only great, obviously. Too bad, I know I'm going to drool, I do not like it, jostling. And the scene annoys me too.

The boulevard is not too crowded, I avoid the sidewalks - the dogs defecate. I am-cons went after the crossroads. A hundred meter, kebab is full. Talking loudly, they eat fatty, some playing cards. It stinks outside and the head of the Izmir smokes a cigarette.

Further, through the window, I cast a quick glance at the lady's casino, the same as usual. She bites his nails, no customers. No trade rags on Grand Boulevard, as the food and insurance, anything that attracts people on a Saturday. The grocer is also long time, he gave up packets of biscuits, arranges his fruit stall prettier.

This is the tram station looming, the crowd begins to densify, it moves. We must look ahead, caution people to cross, collisions are frequent. Not too many people , we are behind the front. I am vigilant.

A large sign indicates the Quick 2 minutes . Besides, people get angry and impatient. Trams arrive already overfilled. I'll walk.

Pressed for a fight, I walk quickly. It's a little cold. A Romanian smiled at the corner of a street parallel, it requires something.

- Silver .

I replied:

- I have nothing.

She insists. She said:

- Eaten children.

His rotten teeth are frightening. I pass.