Saturday, January 24, 2009

Keep Water Out Of Ears When Swimming

Gross incursion (fifth)

Brute incursion (1 / 5)

The key is hard to turn. Now I must find a book, a good, a rare - no time to order. Sure the time did not teach me patience, and I want everything right away, so I'm going. fucking lock, I force again and finally turned the key. One day, she will remain in the fingers . There will be worldwide, not only great, obviously. Too bad, I know I'm going to drool, I do not like it, jostling. And the scene annoys me too.

The boulevard is not too crowded, I avoid the sidewalks - the dogs defecate. I am-cons went after the crossroads. A hundred meter, kebab is full. Talking loudly, they eat fatty, some playing cards. It stinks outside and the head of the Izmir smokes a cigarette.

Further, through the window, I cast a quick glance at the lady's casino, the same as usual. She bites his nails, no customers. No trade rags on Grand Boulevard, as the food and insurance, anything that attracts people on a Saturday. The grocer is also long time, he gave up packets of biscuits, arranges his fruit stall prettier.

This is the tram station looming, the crowd begins to densify, it moves. We must look ahead, caution people to cross, collisions are frequent. Not too many people , we are behind the front. I am vigilant.

A large sign indicates the Quick 2 minutes . Besides, people get angry and impatient. Trams arrive already overfilled. I'll walk.

Pressed for a fight, I walk quickly. It's a little cold. A Romanian smiled at the corner of a street parallel, it requires something.

- Silver .

I replied:

- I have nothing.

She insists. She said:

- Eaten children.

His rotten teeth are frightening. I pass.


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